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Please email me if you cannot access any of the papers listed below. I would be happy to share it.
​Valentim, Vicente. 2024. The Normalization of the Radical Right: A Norms Theory of Political Supply and Demand. Oxford University Press (part of the Oxford Studies in Democratization series).
Adapted to Portuguese (“O Fim da Vergonha: Como a Direita Radical se Normalizou”), edited by Gradiva, currently in its second edition.
Selected publications
Valentim, Vicente. Political Stigma and Preference Falsification: Theory and Observational Evidence. The Journal of Politics (Ahead of Print).
Alvarez-Benjumea, Amalia and Vicente Valentim. The Enforcement of Political Norms. British Journal of Political Science (FirstView).
Dinas, Elias, Sergi Martínez, and Vicente Valentim. 2024. Social Norm Change, Political Symbols, and Expression of Stigmatized Preferences. The Journal of Politics.
Valentim, Vicente and Elias Dinas. 2024. Does Party-System Fragmentation Affect the Quality of Democracy? British Journal of Political Science.
Dinas, Elias, Vicente Valentim, Nikolaj Broberg and Mark N. Franklin. 2024. Early Voting Experiences and Habit Formation. Political Science Research and Methods.
Valentim, Vicente. 2023. Norms, entry in the Encyclopedia of Political Sociology, edited by Maria Grasso and Marco Giugni.
Martínez, Sergi, Vicente Valentim, and Elias Dinas. 2023. Symbolic Conflict Resolution and Ingroup Favoritism. Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Valentim, Vicente. 2021. Parliamentary Representation and the Normalization of Radical Right Support. Comparative Political Studies.
Valentim, Vicente and Tobias Widmann. 2021. Does Radical-Right Success Make the Political Debate More Negative? Evidence from Emotional Rhetoric in German State Parliaments. Political Behavior.
Valentim, Vicente. 2021. Creating Critical Citizens? Anti-Austerity Protests and Public Opinion. Electoral Studies.
Working papers
Valentim, Vicente. Norms of Democracy, Staged Democrats, and Supply of Exclusionary Ideology. (Conditionally accepted).
Balcells, Laia, Sergi Martínez, Ethan vanderWilden and Vicente Valentim. Stigmatizing the Radical Right (Conditionally accepted).
Vicente Valentim, Elias Dinas, and Daniel Ziblatt. How Mainstream Politicians Erode Norms (Revise and resubmit).
Bischof, Daniel and Vicente Valentim. The Consequences of Punishing Political Ideologies in Democracies: Evidence from Employment Bans in West Germany.
Work in Progress
Valentim, Vicente. The Stigmatization of Political Ideologies. Presented at CES 2024.
Jaziri Arjona, Tarek and Vicente Valentim. Short-term Mobility and Changes in Political Norms. Presented at EPSA 2023.
Gkoutna, Ioanna and Vicente Valentim. Coeducation and Gender Norms. Presented at EPSA 2023.
Valentim, Vicente and Temi Ogunye. Coiled Preferences. Presented at EPSA 2023.
Alvarez-Benjumea, Amalia and Vicente Valentim. Real-World Sanctioning of Stigmatized Political Preferences.
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